My girl is now just about 8, and not as interesting Warcraft, though occasionally asks to play. But she loves the Avengers, and My Little Pony. So that's what we watch.
I have a 20 month old now as well. She's a handful. Babbling about Mina-Mina Pony.
Also moved. about 2 miles from the old house. Why? more space. Initially I wanted to move closer to work, but that would put us farther away from friends, family and schools. So I still have a 60 to 90 minute commute. I try to sneak as many Work-at-Home days in as I can, save me time and money.
Not playing WoW at the moment. Kind of between games.
Tried out WildStar. It's decent. But did't have the pull Warcraft does.
Trying to find a good game to get into. I fired up Fallout 3, played through that again. I'm at the end of the main quest, just haven't finished it yet. Figured I'd wander around the Wasteland, see what I can find.
Not sure if anyone every reads these. But if you do, thanks.
They say the true you is who you are when nobody is watching. I try to be decent person even if I'm just talking to myself.
Still thinking of starting a Podcast. maybe based off this spotty blog.
Originally I had a gorilla pet in WoW, named Spanky. Gorillas were awesome tanks for Hunters due to threat generation. They got the portmanteau of gorilladin, which came from gorilla and paladin. Paladins are a tanking class in WoW. So I named this after Spanky the gorilladin.
But anyway, I have to "fixup" another basement. This one will be my office space, maybe a studio?
I'm no Frogpants or Coverville, but I'd like to try. Maybe a show about a gamer dad with 2 girls and a wife he loves to irritate? Maybe....
I'm going to update this with some new links since I'm not a strict WoW player anymore. (I still read the news and updates though.)
Stay tuned! (or tune in...whatever).